
Twitter has indefinitely suspended a US parliamentarian “no vax”

Twitter has indefinitely suspended a US parliamentarian “no vax”

On Sunday, Twitter indefinitely suspended the personal account of US parliamentarian Marjorie Taylor Greene, Republican deputy for the state of Georgia, for spreading false information on the coronavirus pandemic.

Twitter announced the account was blocked after Greene posted a tweet on Saturday falsely claiming that there had been “a lot of deaths from the coronavirus vaccine in the United States.” Greene has long been known to be against vaccines, and in one case she even compared vaccine certificates to Nazi punishments of Jews in concentration camps.

Greene is the first US parliamentarian to whom Twitter blocks the account indefinitely: in recent months the social network had suspended the account of Greene herself and two other Republican MPs, Jim Banks and Barry Moore, for a few days, but so far none he had received such a severe sanction. However, Greene was blocked only from her personal account, while that of a United States Congresswoman is still active.

The suspension of Greene's account is the toughest measure taken by Twitter against a US politician since the blocking of the account of former President Donald Trump, decided last January due to some tweets of his that legitimized the attack on Congress. .

In recent months, discussions on what should be the limits of freedom of expression on social media have become more intense, especially due to the spread of a lot of fake news about the pandemic and vaccines. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook have tightened their guidelines on what is allowed and what is not. : 00. To receive it, write your email address here and press the button below. Having read the information, I agree to send the NewsletterIn March Twitter had introduced five levels of warnings (called strikes) that had to precede the suspension of the account indefinitely.

This is what happened to Greene, who during 2021 received several warnings from Twitter, the latest of which, again regarding disinformation on the pandemic, had led to two temporary suspensions of his account in June and August. Greene commented on the latest and final suspension by writing on Facebook and Telegram that «Twitter is an enemy of America and cannot handle the truth. Social media cannot prevent the truth from being spread far and wide. Big Tech can't stop the truth. The Communist Democrats cannot stop the truth. I am with the truth and the people. We'll make it!”.

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