
Twitter puts a stop to the accounts that are dedicated to spreading the new messages of Donald Trump

Twitter puts a stop to the accounts that are dedicated to spreading the new messages of Donald Trump

Twitter doubled down on its dispute with Donald Trump, who was banned from the service forever after the assault on the Capitol in Washington. This week, the social network closed a group of accounts that would have tried to evade the blockade imposed on the former president of the United States .

Last Tuesday, Trump launched a new section on his website called “From the desk of Donald J. Trump” . There, the Republican politician publishes messages for his followers to share on various platforms.

Although Twitter does not prevent its users from publishing content extracted from the former US president's site, it does prohibit the creation of new accounts that are exclusively dedicated to disseminating material related to a suspended user . For this reason he blocked @DJTDesk, @DJTrumpDesk, @DeskofDJT and @ DeskOfTrump1, among others.

“As stated in our suspension evasion policy, we take compliance actions on accounts that appear to be intended to replace or promote content affiliated with a suspended account,” said a Twitter spokesperson. For its part, an adviser consulted by Reuters denied that Trump was linked to the suspended accounts on the social network .

Twitter deepens the blockade of Donald Trump

Trump was an avid Twitter user, reaching over 88 million followers . His presence on the social network became even more noticeable when he won the presidency of the United States in 2016, serving from 2017 until the beginning of this year.

During his time in the White House, he frequently used his Twitter account to publish controversial posts. From the accusations of fake news and the alleged electoral fraud, to the confrontation with Greta Thumberg, going through the wall on the border with Mexico and how much hot topic was presented, Trump leaned on the platform .

However, the limit was the assault on the Capitol that occurred on January 6 in Washington . Twitter had already temporarily suspended Trump, but decided to permanently block him when he ignored warnings for incitement to violence.

In fact, the social network has publicly stated that it will not lift the suspension of the former US president, not even if he decides to run for a new term .

It is worth noting that other services such as Twitch, YouTube and Facebook also permanently suspended Donald Trump. In response to the massive blockade, the tycoon promised to create his own social network , which at the moment was nothing more than a simple blog.

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