
Twitter resumes account verification, but may cancel it again

Twitter resumes account verification, but may cancel it again

The account verification process on Twitter has become somewhat “problematic” in recent years. Since 2017, the social network has had several comings and goings regarding this procedure that now adds a new chapter. The platform announced that it is receiving requests again a few weeks after having backed down on its last attempt.

Through the Twitter Verified profile, it was reported the reopening of the applications to receive the famous blue badge. Anyway, if the recent past serves as a measure it may not last long . So if you think you meet the requirements to pass the account verification, hurry up and don't miss out on this new opportunity.

“We are re-implementing access to request a blue badge. If you plan to apply and still do not have access, keep checking your account settings”, says the brief message published in the last hours.

Thus, the account verification returns to Twitter exactly 30 days after the last cancellation. At that time, three months had not elapsed since the reactivation of the procedure; so the prudent thing is not to be deluded that this time the story lasts too long .

Twitter continues to make you dizzy with its account verification process

Twitter stopped accepting applications for the blue badge in 2017 after the controversy over the verification of the profile of Jason Kessler, a white supremacist. In May of this year, the application process was enabled again under the premise of imposing compliance with very strict requirements .

However, in August the social network acknowledged that granted verification to fake accounts that were part of a botnet. Thus, Twitter's arguments fell apart and the service saw no other way out than to step on the brakes again and back down.

If you still do not know if your Twitter account meets the requirements to pass the verification process, you can read the help page that has been provided for this topic. And if you trust that you deserve the badge most sought after by the “tweeting” community, remember that the application is made directly from the profile settings on the social network.

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