
Twitter Spaces as podcast: delayed playback arrives on Android and iOS

Twitter Spaces as podcast: delayed playback arrives on Android and iOS

Twitter has just announced some substantial news concerning Spaces , the section dedicated to the audio clips of its social platform, which arrived after the boom recorded in the sector by Clubhouse.

In the last few hours, Twitter announced, obviously with a tweet, that Spaces will be accessible for playback even after recording. The registration of Spaces has also been enabled to a larger audience of users, on Android and on iOS , while the ability to listen to them is available on Android, iOS and the web.

The registration of a Spaces will be marked by the REC stamp. Once completed, it will be possible to check how many users were listening during the live broadcast and to generate a link to share offline access to the content just recorded.

The recordings associated with the Spaces will be publicly available once the recording is complete, there is no way to make a recording private without deleting it. Furthermore, Twitter specifies that the company keeps Spaces recordings for a period of between 30 and 120 days to check for any violations of the terms of service.

Street: The Verge
Source: Twitter (Twitter)
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