
Twitter “unintentionally” used email addresses and phone numbers that users had provided for security purposes for advertising purposes

Twitter “unintentionally” used email addresses and phone numbers that users had provided for security purposes for advertising purposes

The social network Twitter announced yesterday that it had “unintentionally” used for advertising purposes some email addresses and telephone numbers that users had provided only for security reasons. Twitter said it did not have an exact number of email addresses and phone numbers used incorrectly for advertising purposes, but specified that “no data has been shared with external partners or third parties”. Twitter also added that the issue became known a few weeks ago and has been fixed in the meantime.

We recently found that some email addresses and phone numbers provided for account security may have been used unintentionally for advertising purposes. This is no longer happening and we wanted to give you more clarity around the situation:

– Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) October 8, 2019

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