
Twitter will add ads to your stories in the style of Instagram

Twitter will add ads to your stories in the style of Instagram

The ephemeral Twitter stories, officially called “Fleets,” are getting closer to being a kind of Instagram Stories. Yes, you read that right, the company announced that it will incorporate full-screen ads in the temporary posts that appear at the top of its mobile application .

If you are one of the users who enjoys browsing Twitter Fleets without ads, you should know that this will come to an end soon. However, the deployment of this advertising feature will be gradual . According to The Verge, the global product marketing manager, Austin Evers, has said that an “experimental” stage is now beginning.

What exactly does this mean? In this first instance, the ads will only appear in the accounts of a limited group of users in the United States on iOS and Android . In this way, Twitter plans to study how full-screen vertical ads perform on fleets and in “other possible future iterations.”

“We believe that ads should be non-intrusive and bring value to people, so we are focused on learning more about how people feel and how they interact with this new location,” said Twitter Senior Product Manager Justin Hoang in the blog post of the announcement.

What will the announcements look like on Twitter Fleets?

Example of announcement on Twitter Fleets Advertisers who have created campaigns on Instagram will find that Fleets behave similarly in this regard. They may choose to use images or videos in 9:16 format. In the case of the latter, the maximum duration will be 30 seconds . In addition, they can add a Swipe Up or swipe up that will direct to a link of interest.

The Twitter ad system, as expected, will allow to measure impressions, visits to the profile, click on the ad, visits to the website and other information of interest related to the campaign or the ad group . Now we just have to wait to know when the function will reach users outside the United States.

The arrival of the ads to Fleets occurs shortly after the social network provided discreet signals of “Twitter Blue”, the supposed subscription models that would allow to receive new functions such as new topics, a reading mode and the possibility of changing the icon of the application.

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