
Twitter will allow you to remove followers without having to block them

Twitter will allow you to remove followers without having to block them

Twitter is working on a new function that will allow to eliminate followers without having to block them . Deleted people won't be able to see the content in your feed, but they will have access to the account and posts by searching for your username.

This new feature is being tested on the web version of Twitter. Users can remove someone from their list of followers from the “Followers” option that appears in the profile, and by clicking on the options menu located next to the username. The person you have removed from your list of followers will not receive any notice from Twitter , as happens when you block someone.

However, unlike blocking, you will be able to see your tweets if you search for your username . They will even have the option to follow you again. If your account is shown as private, you will not be able to see your tweets again unless you send a new follow request, which you can accept or reject.

It is a less aggressive function to block, where the restricted user cannot see your tweets, or send you messages or follow you again. Twitter also shows a warning that a person has been blocked. The function, thought as one of the many privacy measures that the social network is implementing, can be useful to prevent unknown followers from seeing your publications.

Twitter follows in the footsteps of Instagram

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash Twitter is not the first social network to include the ability to remove a follower. On Instagram, users can also remove a person from their list , making them not see their posts or stories. This option is really useful when a profile is set to “private”, since the follower will need to send a follow request in order to view the content.

Beyond the new privacy function, Twitter has also announced a new design in the feed, where the images will be adapted to the width of the screen , offering a view similar to Instagram posts. The social network, remember, added a few months ago the possibility of seeing complete images in the preview of the feed.

Twitter is also working on a feature similar to the “Best Friends” function, where users can create additional accounts to publish content on a specific topic or limit their followers.

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