
Uber takes you to the theater for half the price

Uber takes you to the theater for half the price

Una Sera a Teatro with Uber : this is the new campaign promoted by the well-known company, which offers a 50% discount on trips to and from the main theaters of Milan, Rome, Naples, Bologna and Turin .

The initiative is valid for the entire month of December: just enter the code UBERTEATRI in your app (menu -> Wallet -> add promotional code) before booking a ride. When the destination or arrival coincides with the theaters in the list, the rate will be automatically discounted by 50%. This code can be used 2 times for each user , or for round trip.

“After the activities dedicated to the revival of museums launched in May this year, we want to reaffirm our closeness to the art, culture and passions of Italians. With this new initiative, we offer on the one hand support to the theaters of Italian cities where we are present, and on the other hand we offer an opportunity for comfortable and safe movement to all those people who want to go and enjoy the shows, now that we are in the climax of the theater season at the turn of the end and the beginning of the new year “, he declared Lorenzo Pireddu, general manager of Uber Italy.

As can also be understood from the opening image, Uber protects the health of its users with full compliance with all safety measures for passengers and drivers, such as the obligation to wear a mask, vehicles, and sanitizing gel. Following the list of theaters belonging to the initiative Una Sera a Teatro con Uber .


  • Teatro alla Scala
  • Teatro Manzoni
  • Teatro degli Arcimboldi
  • Teatro Carcano
  • Small Theater (Strehler)
  • National Theater


  • Municipal Theater
  • Arena del Sole Theater
  • Theaters of Life
  • Teatro Duse
  • Piccolo Teatro del Baraccano


  • Teatro Regio
  • Astra Theater
  • Teatro Car ignorant
  • Teatro Colosseo


  • Teatro Argentina
  • Quirino Theater
  • Teatro dell'Opera di Roma (Teatro Costanzi)
  • Teatro Sala Umberto
  • Brancaccio Theater
  • Olympic Theater


  • San Ferdinando Theater
  • Bellini Theater
  • Teatro di San Carlo
  • Mercadante Theater
  • Augusteo Theater
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