
Video game company Take Two will purchase Zynga for $ 12.7 billion

Video game company Take Two will purchase Zynga for $ 12.7 billion

Video game company Take Two will acquire Zynga, a company specializing in the development of games for mobile devices, for $ 12.7 billion (approximately € 11.2 billion). It is one of the largest acquisitions made in recent years in the video game sector, and will lead to the merger of two of the most important companies in the world, both based in the United States.

Take Two is a leading computer and console video game company, and owns Rockstar Games, the company that makes the Grand Theft Auto game series, among other things. With the acquisition of Zynga, Take Two will increase its presence in the smartphone and tablet gaming sector.

Zynga was founded in 2007, but its success dates back to 2009 after the launch, via Facebook, of its best-known game, FarmVille. It has since become the largest company making games for social networks, but over the years its main sector has become mobile game development.

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