
Watch out for Alexa: it could reveal Christmas gifts bought from Amazon if you don't change this setting

Watch out for Alexa: it could reveal Christmas gifts bought from Amazon if you don't change this setting

Alexa, the virtual assistant available in speakers and smart screens from Amazon and other manufacturers, has an interesting function that allows you to know if a product purchased on the online portal is in distribution or has been delivered . Although this feature can be useful to know the status of an order without having to access the tracking of the same manually, in festive seasons, such as Christmas, it can ruin a surprise. Above all, taking into account that the wizard usually openly reveals the contents of the package.

Therefore, if you have purchased a gift for your partner, friend or family member through Amazon and you have a smart speaker at home that can give away the name or description of the product, it is highly recommended that you deactivate the alerts about Orders through the Alexa app . So you can do it.

To deactivate this option, you just have to access the Alexa app from your iOS or Android mobile. Before performing the steps, check that you are logged in with the same Amazon account that you used to purchase the products. Also that it is the same one you use to manage your smart speakers. Next, go to the 'More' tab and click on the 'Settings' option. Then, in 'Notifications', go to the 'Purchases with Amazon' section. Finally, in the section called 'Include product titles', deactivate the option that says “Include products that could be gifts'. Alexa will not reveal the content if the user asks about the follow-up to own speaker.

Alexa will also not say the content of those purchases that could be considered a gift

Amazon Alexa will not only avoid releasing the content of a product purchased and marked as a gift. The app also covers those purchases that could be a gift . The system will probably detect those items that are commonly purchased for gifts during the Christmas season, such as a smartphone, a console or toys. While others, such as cleaning products, spare parts for an appliance, etc. They would not pass this filter and can be advertised through Alexa.

To prevent Alexa from making a mistake and saying the content of the product thinking that it is not a gift, you can deactivate the option called 'Information about orders and deliveries' , from the 'Purchases with Amazon' section, in the app settings. In this way, Alexa will only reveal that a package is in delivery or has been delivered, but will never mention what product it is.

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