
What Apple presents today

What Apple presents today

Apple will hold the anticipated first event of 2021 on Tuesday, April 20, at its Cupertino headquarters near San Francisco, California, to showcase some new products. Due to the pandemic, the presentation will be streamed and without an audience, as already happened in the last year: it will start at 7pm (Italian time).

As always happens in these cases, Apple has limited itself to announcing the new event without revealing its content. According to the main technology sites, the presentation will be mostly dedicated to iPads, with some other news that could also concern Macs and a device that has been talked about for several years to keep track of one's objects.

iPad Pro
Apple had unveiled the latest version of its iPad Pro, the most powerful tablets in the category, in the spring of last year, announcing models similar to those of the previous year and with few additional features. According to information circulated so far, the company will present two new models with screens of 11 and 12.9 inches respectively. The iPad Pro with the larger screen will use mini-LED technology that Apple has been working on for some time.

Below the most popular screens for tablets and computers, LCDs, there is a panel of small lights (LEDs) that are used to make the screen bright. The problem with this solution is that in some circumstances, good contrast is not achieved, because the dark parts of the images are still illuminated. The drawback can be overcome by using OLED technology which allows greater control over lighting, but which is more expensive especially if it has to be used on screens larger than that of a smartphone.

Like other manufacturers, Apple has therefore worked on a compromise solution which, as the name suggests, plans to produce a screen lighting panel made up of much smaller LEDs than normal, so that they can better adjust the brightness depending on the of the images to show. This solution is promising, but still requires some extra care in the production phase and for this reason the 12.9-inch iPad Pro may not be available immediately in large numbers.

For the rest, the new iPad Pro will be aesthetically very similar to the current ones, while inside they will have more powerful processors. According to sources consulted by Bloomberg, they will work with an M1-like processor, introduced last year for some Apple computers with a noticeable improvement in their computing capabilities. There should also be cameras with better definition than the current ones.

iPad Mini
There aren't many certainties on the smaller iPads, but the fact that they haven't received an update for over two years could be a good clue about arrival of some news. Current iPad Minis have essentially the same design for a decade or so, and newer 2019 models employ a largely outdated A12 processor.

The margins to present some news are there and could also concern the screen. Current models still have a rather thick bezel, which could be reduced allowing for a larger screen without changing the external dimensions of the iPad Mini. There is talk of switching to an 8.5-inch screen compared to the current 7.9-inch screen.

Apple Pencil
The event is called “Spring Loaded”, with a pun on “spring” which in English means both “spring” and “spring” “.

The reference is probably to a new model of Apple Pencil, the stylus for drawing on iPad screens and which should receive a new update, with the addition of a spring in its tip. The modification should make the stylus even more sensitive to the pressure exerted on the screen while drawing, which is then reflected in the thickness of the drawn lines. Pens of this type produced by other companies have been using similar solutions for some time.

There are less certainties on the new Mac models, which derive in part from the fact that the event dedicated to Apple computers and their operating system (macOS ) usually takes place in June. However, Apple has begun to renovate a large part of its computers in recent months, with the introduction of the M1 processors developed directly by the company, and replacing those supplied by Intel.

In the fall, Apple updated its MacBook Air and MacBook Pro laptops with the M1, and then did the same with the Mac Mini, a small desktop computer. Now it could be the turn of a new iMac with M1 and perhaps more powerful versions of the MacBook Pros, but there may only be sneak peeks in anticipation of the traditional June event.

For years it has been said that Apple has been working to create an object tracker, i.e. a small device to apply to keys, backpacks, bags or bouquets of keys to find them via your smartphone, in case they have been lost somewhere.

The device should be called AirTag and have an essential design: a small disk with a hooking system to secure it to your objects to keep under control. Apple already has an application to find their Macs, iPads and iPhones, and could use it for this new type of device as well. Analysts are certain that Apple will also debut in this sector, but a date for the announcement is not yet clear and there are doubts it will take place on Tuesday.

Apple is working on a new version of its wireless earbuds, but it's unclear if it will make any announcements during the event.

Apple TV
The device to connect to the TV to watch streaming content has not received a real update for almost 4 years, although its most expensive model continues to be sold for over 200 euros, a very high price compared to similar competitor products.

A new model will have a faster processor, a revised remote control compared to the current one that is not appreciated by users because it is considered inconvenient and functions for a better rendering of images. Analysts report that the price should be reduced to make the product more competitive, but Apple has traditionally been reluctant to cut prices.

iOS 14.5
Apple is likely to confirm the release of a new update of iOS, the operating system for iPhones and (with some differences) for iPads. It could be one of the last significant updates awaiting the presentation of the new iOS 15 next June. Version 14.5 will bring several new features including a new function to limit the tracking of their activities by applications, which do so mainly for commercial purposes.

Unexpected events
Apple could reserve some other surprises that experts and technology sites have not foreseen for the presentation. For a few months there has been talk of a virtual reality headset, but times seem to be still premature.

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