
What is Amazon Prime Wardrobe, the new service that lands in Spain

What is Amazon Prime Wardrobe, the new service that lands in Spain

Add and continue with Amazon services. Gone are those days when it was just a simple e-commerce. Now, the company founded by Jeff Bezos announces the arrival in Spain of its Amazon Prime Wardrobe service.

A service that has been operating in the United States since 2018 , Japan in October 2018, the United Kingdom in October 2018 and Germany and Austria since September 2019. The issue of the health emergency due to the The pandemic delayed, in many cases, the launch of new operations.

In any case, according to Techprincess, Amazon Prime Wardrobe has already started its beta phase in Spain with some selected Prime customers . Also in Italy. The company has not confirmed when it will be available to all the company's clients, nor how many it is working with at this time.

“We can confirm that we have launched a beta version of the Amazon Prime product test service for a limited number of customers in Spain. This service aims to make shopping for fashion more comfortable than ever. Available exclusively to Amazon Prime subscribers, it allows customers to receive their favorite fashion products free of shipping, try them on at home, and pay only for those items they choose to keep. More details on the program and official release date will be released soon, stay tuned. “

What is Amazon Prime Wardrobe and how does it work?

First of all, Amazon Prime Wardrobe is aimed at Amazon Prime customers. In other words, the company's new service will be included in the annual or monthly rate of these, apparently without any increase in cost.

Amazon Prime Wardrobe is nothing other than the company's service that allows to try on clothes, footwear, any fashion item or accessory without paying for it . The package will be received at home and the customer will have up to 7 days to choose what to keep and what to return. The invoice amount will only take into account the chosen products.

Likewise, in each order, up to 8 items can be selected from the Amazon website. No limit on the number of returns in any case.

To return what was discarded, the Prime user will only have to put the products back in the same receiving box or bag – modified for the service so that they can be conveniently closed again – with the label included in the same shipment. Then return it through the system chosen by the buyer.

In this way, Amazon solves one of the biggest problems in the retail sector: the logistics of returns . Not so much in the return of the product, which is maintained, if not in the account of payments and returns. Often a headache for the clients themselves.

What products are included?

At the moment we only have the Amazon Prime Wardrobe reference in the United States. Where, of course, the service has the adhesion of all the major brands in the fashion sector for children, young women and men and the same ones that could be found on offer on Amazon. Rayban, Adidas, UGG, Michael Kors or Calvin Klein, as well as the company's own brands.

That is, according to the Amazon Prime Wardrobe website in the United States, not all products are part of the service, although the vast majority are. Customers will only have to filter in the application itself.

And what about Amazon Prime Wardrobe Personal Shoppper?

Is it the evolution of Amazon Prime Wardrobe and of which we still have no news in any region of Europe?

In general terms, Amazon Prime Wardrobe Personal Shoppper meets the same characteristics as its younger brother in terms of services: 7 days to decide, 8 garments maximum and free return. However, it does include a payment of $ 4.99 per month – in addition to the Prime account. As well as the greater differentiation: the Amazon Prime Wardrobe Personal Shoppper includes a personalization of the choices with a monthly help service to choose the garments that best suit the customer's needs.

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