
What is the Instagram Nametag for?

What is the Instagram Nametag for?

For a few days on Instagram there is a new function: the Nametag. Many will have noticed it due to the Story that announced it, others due to a notification in the upper right corner of their profile screen. In short, it's the equivalent of a business card for people who meet and want to keep in touch through Instagram. It works like a QR code: an Instagram user, by framing another user's Nametag, can directly access his profile without having to type his name in the search bar.

As with traditional business cards, you can customize your Nametag, choosing from a colored background, an emoji or selfie scheme. To show it to another person, you must always go to your profile and enter the menu at the top right; from there you can also access the scanner with which to view the Nametags of others. If you test the Nametag of someone you know and already follow each other with, a message will appear saying that you and that person are already following each other.

To access the scanner, however, there is also another system, so fewer steps are required: go to the search section, the one accessible from the magnifying glass at the bottom, and then click on the Nametag symbol at the top right.

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