
What will happen to my WhatsApp account if I do not accept the new conditions?

What will happen to my WhatsApp account if I do not accept the new conditions?

On May 15, the controversial new WhatsApp conditions will come into force. Although months have passed since the service released its movements, to date there are still people who have doubts about it . And we do not blame them, since on WhatsApp they have not been clear enough to communicate their decisions. In fact, they have backed down more than once after identifying that their users have many questions.

At first, WhatsApp's plan was for its conditions to apply from February 8. However, both doubts and criticism from their community made them back down: the change was postponed until May 15. During this period of delay, they turned their communication strategy around to clarify the issue. First, they better explained their conditions. On the other hand, they revealed what exactly will happen if you don't accept them .

“For the past few weeks, we have been displaying a notification on WhatsApp providing more information about the update. After giving everyone more time to review this information, we continue to remind those who have not yet had the opportunity to do so to have them review it and accept the changes. After several weeks, the reminder will become persistent. “

Did you not accept the new conditions? Say goodbye to key WhatsApp features

Let's go in order. If you have already accepted the conditions, you should not worry about anything additional. Your WhatsApp account will continue to function normally.

On the contrary, if you did not accept them, it is important to know that WhatsApp will not delete your account —except for a condition that will be explained later—. However, from May 15 you will notice that there are some limitations that they themselves describe on their website:

“You will not be able to access your chat list, but you will be able to answer calls and video calls. If you have notifications activated, you will be able to touch them to read or reply to messages, as well as to return missed calls or video calls.

Ok, so far it is not so serious, but the real problem comes after May 15 . In weeks after this date, users will no longer have access to the essential functions of the app. In other words, WhatsApp will be almost useless :

“After a few weeks of limited functionality, you will not be able to receive calls or notifications, and WhatsApp will stop sending messages and calls to your phone.”

However, the service did not specify when they will disable these features: “This will not happen to all users at the same time.” Another point to consider is that, if you reject the conditions and regret it, you have the option to accept them even after May 15 . This will give you access to all the features again.

Yes, they can delete your account, but …

As mentioned previously, WhatsApp can permanently delete your account after having rejected the conditions. Of course, only if it remained inactive for 120 days . Therefore, if you were one of the people who rejected the proposal, deleted WhatsApp and transferred their communication to other services, you will most likely lose your account forever.

Be careful, this will erase all your information on the platform, including your message history, chat groups and backup copies . If you want to avoid it, we recommend you enter to renew the term.

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