
WhatsApp launches an advertising campaign to demonstrate its 'commitment to privacy'

WhatsApp launches an advertising campaign to demonstrate its 'commitment to privacy'

WhatsApp has launched an advertising campaign to demonstrate its “commitment to privacy”. This is a reaction from Facebook, the parent company of the messaging application, after the controversy that arose over the new conditions of service .

The advertising campaign includes three videos that show different situations of the use of WhatsApp in everyday life. In the first of them, published last Sunday, four people are seen dining in a restaurant. While two dominate a conversation, the other two are written by WhatsApp.

In all cases the focus is on end-to-end encryption. The company explains that, thanks to this feature, messages are secure and can only be read on the device that sends them and the one that receives them. In addition, no one outside the conversation can intercept them and see them.

WhatsApp seeks to demonstrate the 'benefits of privacy'

According to Windsor Observer, the head of WhatsApp, Will Cathcart, said that the confusion caused by his new privacy policy led to the creation of this international advertising campaign. The first videos began to be shown in the United Kingdom and Germany this Monday.

In this sense, he added that the idea of ​​the ads is to communicate the benefits of privacy . “What we're really trying to do here is take end-to-end encryption, which is an abstract term, and help translate it to people,” he said.

UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has criticized Facebook's intentions to bring end-to-end encryption from WhatsApp to other apps such as Instagram and Messenger. The official qualifies this decision as “unacceptable” in the fight for “child protection and public safety”.

“We are talking to governments around the world, including the UK, and pointing out that encryption is an absolutely good thing. It protects the safety of citizens and is absolutely essential,” Cathcart told the aforementioned medium.

The campaign, which includes digital advertising and advertisements on radio, television and the public highway, also includes a series of tweets in which WhatsApp explains the benefits of its end-to-end encryption and remarks that not even they can access conversations .

“End-to-end encryption doesn't just protect your messages; it protects the moments you create and share with others. So you can give your grandfather the password he forgot, rekindle memories with an old friend, and share what he really is. on your mind with those you trust. “


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