
WIndTre updates the offers for users with disabilities: here are all the options

WIndTre updates the offers for users with disabilities: here are all the options

With the opening of the new year some news has also arrived for users with disabilities, which closely concern the offers that can be subscribed with the various telephone operators in Italy.

According to what was recently resolved through Resolution 290/21 / CONS , effective from 1 January 2022, the provisions regarding telephone offers change for:

  • Total and partial blind users
  • Deaf
  • Users with severe mobility restrictions (recipients of tax benefits as per article 30, paragraph 7, of law no. 388/2000) whose handicap is documented by the report of the competent medical commission.

WindTre has just renewed the offers for these categories of users. Let's go and see them together:

Mobile Offers

  • Offer LITE residual credit with unlimited minutes of calls, 2,000 SMS, 25 GB of data traffic at the rate of 6.49 euros per month .
  • Offer Unlimited Easypay with unlimited minutes of calls, 2,000 SMS , unlimited data traffic at the rate of 14.99 euros per month .

Fixed Telephony Offers

Specific offers are available for deaf customers / blind and for those with severe disabilities . For more information we refer you to the official WindTre website.

The concession request for the WindTre offers just seen can be booked from 1 January 2022 until 1 April 2022 . The various documents and certificates relating to disability will also be presented. For more details we suggest you refer to the dedicated page on the WindTre website.

Via: Mondo3
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