
Xiaomi breaks records with its new fast charging system for mobiles

Xiaomi breaks records with its new fast charging system for mobiles

Xiaomi has introduced this week a new surprisingly fast fast charging system . Specifically, it is capable of transmitting up to 200 watts of power per cable, which translates into a full battery recharge in less than ten minutes.

For the announcement, Xiaomi has used a modified version of the Mi 11 Pro with a 4,000 mAh battery . By cable, the company has managed to recharge it completely in about eight minutes; Wirelessly, the operation is completed in 15 minutes. In the latter case, the maximum power of this new system is 120 watts, 80 less than when doing it by cable.

The company has not revealed if this fast charging technology will reach a smartphone in the coming months . However, it would not be a surprise if this were the case. Last year, Xiaomi presented the Mi 10 Ultra in society, with a 120-watt fast charging system that far outperformed most of the competition's products. Interestingly, the Mi 11 Ultra, its successor, has a slower charging system (67 watts).

To put these figures in context: the iPhone 12 Pro supports a maximum of 20 watts of power. And the same goes for the Galaxy S21 Ultra, which supports a maximum of 25 watts. That is to say: Xiaomi's new fast charging system reaches a maximum power eight times higher than that of the Galaxy S21 Ultra (ten times more when compared to the iPhone 12 Pro).

Xiaomi, at the forefront in fast charging along with its rivals of Chinese origin

Chinese companies such as Oppo, Huawei or Xiaomi have developed faster and faster fast charging systems over the last few years . The benefits of these technologies are more than evident, although there is still some debate about the impact these technologies have on battery degradation.

Obviously, the 200 watts of power are not constant . As in all fast-charging systems today, power levels progressively decrease as the battery charges. In the video published by Xiaomi you can see how, once the 50% charge has been reached, the potentiometer located next to the phone begins to dial figures below 200 watts. The same happens when the phone charges wirelessly.

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