
XK A800 review, the exciting radio controlled aircraft to fly and have fun

XK A800 review, the exciting radio controlled aircraft to fly and have fun

Home Reviews ,,,,, Cyber Layman tries the AK A800 airplane, the best to get started with RC airplanes. It is a toy, yet it is really fun and can be used to approach this particular dynamic modeling. Here's what's in the box, how it works and who it's suitable for.

Unboxing and assembly

The sales bundle, first of all, contains everything you need to fly, with the exception of the 4 AA batteries, which are not included and which are necessary to power the remote control. At the opening of the package the plane is to be assembled. Nothing particularly difficult: it will be enough to join the wings, screw them to the main body.

Same goes for the “tail” of the plane, which will have to be screwed to the main body, naturally on the back. The use of a small screwdriver is required, which in any case is already included in the sales package.

It will take about 5/10 minutes to assemble the plane, immediately ready to fly, except to recharge the battery that will be housed under the cockpit.

Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare

Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare

The plane is almost entirely made of polystyrene, therefore particularly light and also delicate. Any impact in flight could damage the aircraft, which in any case is particularly stable in flight and able to fly in not too favorable weather conditions: during our first flight we were able to keep it flying despite a medium intensity wind.

In flight

Flying a plane isn't as easy as flying a drone. Quadcopters, in fact, are much more stable and easier to fly aircraft, especially those of the medium-high range, which practically stay in the air alone, even without operating any lever on the remote control. AK A800 is more difficult to control, but paradoxically more fun for this reason.

The video we propose represents the first flight. The first ever. Nonetheless, the plane remained in flight without ever falling to the ground. It is sufficient to start the motor and launch it towards the vacuum. The aircraft took off easily and, despite the strong medium wind during the test, remained in the air without giving in.

Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare

The movements of the aircraft are rather rapid with the possibility of suddenly changing direction of travel. We must always be careful and correct its trajectory: it is unthinkable to leave the controls, as happens with any drone. This makes flying particularly fun, as you always have to keep your concentration high.

Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare

Note that, unlike what appears in the description, the AK A800 has no camera and does not offer FPV in flight. It offers a 3D flight mode that precisely locks the flight attitude, facilitating the execution of maneuvers.

6G mode offers good stability, regardless of aircraft flight status, with automatic balancing, allowing the aircraft to easily resume a smooth flight.

Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare As for autonomy, the small battery of just 380 mAh does an excellent job, and allows you to easily exceed 10 minutes of flight. Depending on the maneuvers performed and the wind conditions, it will be possible to extend the flight time.

This depends a lot on the pilot: it is possible to turn off the engines when the plane is high in the sky, taking advantage of the currents and making it glide, before ascending to altitude. The autonomy is also high due to the low weight of the aircraft, which stands at 100 grams.

Recensione AK A800, l’aereo per iniziare a volare


If you are looking for an RC plane to get started, the AK A800 is probably the right choice. It costs just around 48 euros, and is absolutely fun to fly. Sure, it will take concentration in the cockpit, but the product does everything to stay in the air without too much difficulty. Easy to assemble, light in flight, it offers a range of up to 15 minutes. Absolutely promoted from all points of view.

It costs about 48 euros and can be purchased on GearBest directly at this address .


  • Easy to assemble
  • Fun Flight
  • Autonomy
  • Spare parts available on Amazon

  • Nothing to signal
  • ,,

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