Movies and TV Shows

'Night Sky': A Confusing But Heartwarming Amazon Prime Video Series

'Night Sky': A Confusing But Heartwarming Amazon Prime Video Series

There is cheating in this series. Night Sky presents itself as a science fiction production that deviates from that label along the way. It is best not to rush into that interpretation: it does not mean that the content of Amazon Prime Video fails. On the contrary, when turning the steering wheel, it favors a much warmer and closer tone than the one achieved during the first three chapters.

There are a total of eight episodes, of which we have been able to see six. The sample could be divided into two blocks. The first in which there is confusion, different characters are presented that seem not to be connected to each other; and the second, in which the protagonists of the story have much more weight and build a charming atmosphere within the story.

They are Sissy Spacek and JK Simmons, who play Irene and Franklin York, a couple entering adulthood. Although Night Sky states that they share a secret above all, having a special room through which they can travel to another planet, the value of their relationship does not lie in that complicity but in a much more intimate one. These chapters are a dialogue between both relationships.

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Night Sky: a confusing network

The characters enter and leave the scenes as if the viewer knew them from the beginning. This is not a problem because details about their lives, interests, relationships and goals are presented later. But it does lead to confusion at first: why this and that? That feeling makes it difficult to read the direction that Night Sky points to. Is it a science fiction drama? Is it just a drama? Will there be aliens in this series?

The tone of the story is also conditioned by this factor, in which doors are opened that later it is not clear where they will lead. In its own way, it is the series telling the viewer to stay, stay in front of the screen. Its worth doing? Although it is debatable, yes. From an aesthetic perspective, Amazon Prime Video continues to offer quality productions; Regarding the topics, he also answers: he is interested in aspects such as love, mother-daughter relationships, the weight of traditions, among others.

But, especially, and given what has been seen, the series is worth the effort for what Irene and Franklin York make up during the sixth chapter. A scene that reveals much more than the secret presented from the synopsis of the series.

Beyond a space room Irene and Franklin are two older adults who experience the cruelest side of the passage of time. Their bodies are not the same as before, but within them there are emotions created at another point in the series. It is discovered that they meet in a bar, which is a kind of love at first sight. Then, too, some tensions. All aimed at promoting a dialogue in which both demonstrate a degree of vulnerability and complicity of great beauty.

That's when the series reaches another narrative level. It is no longer about two people taking care that someone discovers their secret but about two beings who know each other and love each other as much as assuming that a lot of them live in that place but not all of them; that in the disease the value of the company has a special weight, as well as the respect of the other. Love without possessing.

That magical door that they cross, that they open at will and keep safe from others, is an allegory of their relationship. Meanwhile, the renowned actors, Sissy Spacek and JK Simmons, shine exposing their record. What is necessary to want to advance chapter after chapter. The series will be available to Amazon Prime Video users on May 20.

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