
No surprises: vegetarian children do not grow less than those who eat meat

No surprises: vegetarian children do not grow less than those who eat meat

Talking about vegetarianism is always synonymous with conflict, even more so in the tense times we live in. Many people are unable to accept it: the exclusion of animals in the diet does not have to go hand in hand with health problems or nutritional deficiencies. It is the information that the latest scientific evidence in nutrition offers us. As long as we take in all the nutrients that our body needs, it is perfectly possible to live without including foods of animal origin in our diet.

Unfortunately, this goes far beyond nutrition: some people are not able to empathize with animals at a sufficient level to reject their consumption. And nothing happens. Morality and ethics cannot be imposed. Our culture has traditionally revolved around the consumption of animals. However, there is a growing awareness of animal welfare and suffering.

For an average meat-loving consumer it doesn't sound too realistic to completely eradicate ham or steak from the diet overnight. However, gradually reducing the consumption of these foods also helps improve our health and the sustainability of the planet where we live. As Uncle Ben used to say: “with great power comes great responsibility”, and we as consumers have it.

Is being a vegetarian from childhood dangerous?

If it is already difficult to communicate about these issues in the average public, imagine doing it in relation to childhood: one of the population groups that arouses the most sensitivities. This is taking it to another level. And it is normal that it be so: childhood is one of the most important times where the development of the organism is gestated at all levels thanks to nutrition as an outstanding factor.

So what happens if a boy or girl follows a vegetarian diet from a very young age? Isn't that a risk to your health? It is something that concerns many people. Luckily, recently a scientific study wanted to shed some light on this issue that raises many blisters. Can children be healthy without including foods such as meat and fish in their diet?

The study in question has been published in the journal Pediatrics, analyzing in 8907 Canadian children the impact of a vegetarian diet on growth, as well as micronutrient reserves and other blood components such as lipids or fats. In parallel, it was also compared whether the consumption of cow's milk could change these variables.

Based on the dietary information received by the parents, the researchers classified the children as vegetarians and non-vegetarians and compared their physical growth over time. For this, variables such as BMI (Body Mass Index) and weight were measured. And what results were found? Well, surprisingly, the children who followed a vegetarian diet had the same nutritional levels as the non-vegetarian children. That is, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups analyzed. However, vegetarian children showed a higher risk of remaining underweight compared to age-matched meat eaters. Interesting facts, to say the least. Aren't they contradictory?

Limitations of the vegetarian diet study

Although the conclusions of the analyzed study are interesting, the truth is that their results pose several unknowns that are worth highlighting. The most blatant concerns the nutritional loose ends that this research leaves open. A pity, since it could have been much more complete.

For example, we do not know what type of vegetarian food was analyzed in the study, so the quality variables associated with the vegetarian diet were not taken into account. If we add to this the different types of existing vegetarian diets, we find ourselves with a diffuse panorama in which the nutritional field is not clear at all. Flexible vegetarianism, ovolacto-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, lacto-vegetarian, strict vegetarian… the possibilities are too wide. It is a shame not to have included at least one comparison between veganism and ovolactovegetarianism: the standard form of “vegetarianism” where foods that involve the death of the animal, such as meat or fish, are not consumed, but some derivatives such as eggs and dairy are consumed.

Yes, an exclusively plant-based diet can be healthy

Chantal Garnier/ Unsplash A strict vegetarian or vegan diet based on legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains can be perfectly healthy as long as it is well planned . It is possible to obtain all essential amino acids from plant-only sources, although many people are surprised. Foods such as soybeans and chickpeas contain a complete aminogram: that is, all the essential amino acids that our body needs.

However, nothing happens to consume foods with incomplete aminogram. Remember that a healthy diet is based on as many healthy foods as possible, so if you follow this premise you will end up consuming all the amino acids you need without problems. And that's what matters. Although it is more difficult to square the recommended minimum intakes: power, it can.

If we talk about a vegetarian diet that also includes dairy foods and eggs, it will be easier to obtain quality proteins, as well as healthy fats and vitamins such as D and B12. The latter is especially relevant in vegan diets: vitamin B12 must be supplemented since it is obtained exclusively from foods of animal origin —although it has a bacterial origin. Eggs and dairy products also contain vitamin B12, but not in sufficient amounts. For this reason, the latest updated recommendations on vitamin B12 also recommend regular supplementation in a generic way in vegetarian people —even if they drink milk and eggs—, and not only vegans.

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