Automotive Industry

Tesla: a second case of “crazy car” observed

Tesla: a second case of “crazy car” observed

The scene was appalling. On December 11, 2021 in Paris, in the early evening, a completely crazy Tesla caused a horrible accident at more than 100 km / h, hitting several pedestrians. One dead and twenty injured. In the passenger compartment of the Model 3 launched at full speed, a trained taxi driver accompanied by his daughter.

On the avenue d'Ivry, after a mysterious noise heard by both of them, the car had started to accelerate on its own and the brake pedal no longer responded, they testified. Renowned for his calm driving, and without being positive for alcohol or narcotics, the driver had filed a complaint against Tesla for “endangering the lives of others”.

A projectile launched at more than 110 km/h in a building

Six months after this terrible accident, the mystery of which has still not been elucidated, a new case of mad Tesla occurred. Images from several surveillance cameras showed a scene of chaos, in which a 2020 Model 3 had turned into a projectile, on May 4, in the State of Ohio in the United States.

Security footage has been released of a Tesla crashing into the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. Local media reported a man had been driving the 2020 Tesla Model S when he lost control of its brakes.

— WNCT (@wnct9) May 13, 2022

At an intersection, traveling at more than 110 km/h, the Tesla was hurtling straight into the Columbus Convention Center. A real projectile which, miraculously, the driver was able to escape despite the violence of the impact. To the authorities, he explained that his brakes no longer responded. What multiply the doubts on the responsibility of the manufacturer. Since the accident in Paris, Tesla has multiplied the number of garage recall campaigns, for multiple suspicions of malfunctions.

Fortunately, no one was on the passage between the intersection and the entrance to the building where the Tesla Model 3 ended its run. That said, witnesses outside recounted the scene with a slightly different interpretation from that of the driver. For them, the latter wanted to pass before the light turned red, and could not have turned with his speed.

Tesla is investigating, but does not know more

Until then, no accident comparable to that of Paris had taken place. But other cases of loss of control involving less serious situations have been observed. For each, Tesla says it analyzes the specific data of its cars to know the detailed course of a crash and to deduce whether the manufacturer was responsible or not.

In Paris, the brand had said that there was no technical failure to report on its side. But she was also unable to specify what was the driver's error that would have propelled the car to more than 100 km/h without slowing down.

Little relayed in the international press, the Paris accident had especially made noise when the G7 taxi company suspended all the Model 3 of its fleet by prevention. This concerned 37 copies which have since regained their functions.

The only precaution taken since then, the drivers concerned are invited to follow a small additional safety training. And the company asks them to perform the software updates deployed remotely by Tesla.

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