Automotive Industry

Bentley's first electric car will make you sick

Bentley's first electric car will make you sick

For more than a hundred years now, the British manufacturer Bentley has been offering luxury cars, but also cars cut out for racing. In the coming months, the firm will unveil a very first 100% electric model, which intends to merge the best of both worlds, namely luxury and sportiness. A model whose name is still unknown, and whose launch should not take place before 2025, but which already promises its occupants to give them…nausea.

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Indeed, it was during an interview with Automotive News Europe that Adrian Hallmark, CEO of Bentley, gave some details about this future electric model to come. The car signed Bentley would thus benefit from a total power of 1,044 kW, or the equivalent of 1,400 hp. A (over)power that would allow this Bentley to overcome the 0 to 100 km / h in just 1.5 seconds.

A record acceleration, which would be able to pulverize the performance of other electric models, but which would also have an unfortunate tendency to make the occupants of the car sick. Adrian Hallmark explains that the vehicle will have an option to reduce the power, to allow it to perform the 0 to 100 km / h in 2.7 seconds. It remains (very) fast, and much less unpleasant for the human body to take.

Bentley is also promising an electric car that “won't try to look like an electric car”. This future model should therefore retain all the sporty aspect of the brand, while benefiting from a brand new zero-emission engine, the manufacturer aiming to switch to all-electric from 2030.

As for the luxury side, we can imagine that this electric Bentley will be able to fill up with noble and comfortable materials on board, without forgetting to be displayed at an unaffordable price for ordinary mortals, namely more than 250,000 euros. . In 2019, Bentley presented a first electric concept, with its EXP 100 GT.

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