
Pugs are so sick they can hardly be considered 'dogs'

Pugs are so sick they can hardly be considered 'dogs'

The pugs, also known as pugs, are a seemingly adorable breed. However, that appeal is precisely its condemnation. In the same way that occurs with toy dogs, it is a breed that was obtained to please, without taking into account the consequences that some characteristics could have on their health. And these are so serious that, according to a study recently published in Canine Medicine and Genetics, they can hardly be considered typical dogs.

The health problems of Pugs distance them from the statistics of the rest of the breeds. They suffer from breathing problems, skin infections and many other conditions that make their existence a torment. But they are very cute dogs, of course.

It is clear that something must be done to solve this problem, starting with awareness. As they rightly point out in a BBC article on this subject, those who dream of buying a Pug should not be demonized, but they should be made to see that this purchase encourages the breed to continue breeding, exposing more dogs to suffering. For those who already have one, it is important that they are aware of the health problems to which they are exposed and pay special attention to them. In general, pugs or not, it is best to adopt dogs instead of buying them, because behind the breeding of animals with pedigrees there are often stories like this, unknown to those who only want the love of a furry friend, but very tragic for they.

From the domestication of the wolf to the pug

The first fossil evidence of a domestic dog was found in Bonn, Germany, and dates back to more than 14,000 years. It was no longer a wolf, but a domestic animal that gradually evolved into the dogs we know today. Selective breeding led to the appearance of breeds with certain useful qualities for humans, such as hunting or grazing. Although over time some were obtained whose only use was, in a certain way, ornamental.

This is what happened with the pugs. These began to breed 2,000 years ago , approximately, so that the Chinese emperors had refined pets, different from those of the common people. Later, 1,500 years ago, Dutch merchants began to bring some specimens to Europe, where they also became famous in high places. They were practically decorative dogs, with their small heads, their wrinkled skin and their tongues sticking out in a grin.

Pugs began to be bred 2,000 years ago to please the Chinese emperors

Today pugs are not dogs of refined people. Anyone can have them, although it is more common to buy them than to adopt them. They are caprice pets and, as such, that pedigree that is guaranteed in certain kennels is highly valued. But now we know that these characteristics, so specific and so desired by some people, cause serious health problems for these animals. To the point that they would not fit into the normal health standards of dogs.

Daniel Sandovzl (Unsplash)

Health problems that keep them away from other dogs

In a study carried out by scientists from the Royal Veterinary College of the United Kingdom several factors are concluded by which pugs are far removed from other dogs in terms of health.

Specifically, they are 1.9 more likely than other dogs to develop one or more disorders in a single year. Year after year.

His skull is so small that the brain is practically crushed

This is due to several factors. On the one hand, his little head, adorable on the outside, is nothing more than a very reduced skull in which the brain is practically crushed . This can lead them to suffer from brachycephalic obstructive syndrome, a respiratory disorder for which they are 54 times more prone than other dog breeds.

As for their striking wrinkled skin, it has folds in which it is easier for pathogenic microorganisms to accumulate, so they are more likely to suffer from skin infections.

On the other hand, the permanent smile is actually a gasp derived from nostrils so small that they can barely breathe through them. And the tail is not far behind either, visibly very pretty, but due to a malformation in its vertebrae.

Finally, pugs look much more adorable with their round bodies. This leads to their owners not taking too much care of their diet. After all, the fatter the cuter. But that is even worse, because being overweight increases the risk of all of the above.

In short, there are already many pugs in the world and they must be cared for with special care. But we should also make those looking for a dog aware that promoting the breeding of this breed will continue to condemn many of them to clear suffering. It sounds very cliché, but they would never do it. Let us worry about them.

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